Interior and Exterior

Interior design deals with the layout and decoration of indoor spaces, while exterior design is concerned with the face of a building that people see from the street. Both disciplines require an understanding of how different elements can be used to create a certain look or feeling Plan, design, and furnish interiors and exteriors of residential, commercial, or industrial buildings. Subcontract fabrication, installation, and arrangement of carpeting, fixtures, accessories, draperies, paint and wall coverings, art work, furniture, and related items. Interior design is the art and science of creating beautiful, functional spaces within buildings. It involves not only choosing furniture and decor, but also planning the layout and flow of each room in order to create a harmonious, stylish whole. Exterior design is concerned with the overall look and feel of a buildings exterior. This includes everything from choosing appropriate materials and finishes to ensure the structure compliments its surroundings, to designing eye-catching features that make it stand out from the rest.